
"Cachinnate" derives from the Latin verb "cachinnare," meaning "to laugh loudly," and was probably coined in imitation of a loud laugh. "Cachinnare" is much like the Old English "ceahhetan," the Old High German "kachazzen," and the Greek "kachazein" —all words of imitative origin that essentially meant "to laugh loudly." "Cackle" has a different ancestor (Middle English "cakelen"), but is also believed to have been modeled after the sound of laughter. Simply put, this blog is full of laughs.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Welcome to Cachinnates!

I freely admit it, I stole the idea of a joke blog from Dubby. Of course, she wasn't the first one to come up with the idea either, but it was she who inspired me.

I hope you enjoy it!


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